Moving an Appointment to a Different Operatory or Time

Topic Progress:

You may need to change a patient’s appointment to a different operatory or time on the same day. For instance, a patient might ask to reschedule from the morning to the afternoon, or you might discover faulty equipment in an operator. If so, you’ll need to rearrange some appointments. If there is an opening in your schedule for a different operatory or time, you can drag an appointment from one operatory or time to another.

Watch this video to learn how to move an appointment to a different operatory or time. (Duration 0:24)

Additional Tips

Check Your Knowledge

If you have access to Dentrix, check your knowledge with this exercise.

  1. Switch to the Dentrix demo database.
    (Skip this step if you use the Dentrix Learning Edition software.)
  2. Select a day with appointments in it.
  3. Select the appointment you want to move to.
  4. Move it to a new operatory or time.