Scheduling Essentials for Teams

The dental practice schedule dictates the pace of the whole office. Patients call throughout the day to schedule, cancel, or reschedule appointments. It’s important to make sure you are keeping up with appointment changes in the Dentrix Appointment Book and working to fill any open times in the schedule so that the dentists and hygienists stay busy.

In this course, you will get to know the Dentrix Appointment Book and learn how to perform essential Dentrix tasks like scheduling appointments and continuing care, finding appointments, and filling holes in the schedule.

Take a Test and Earn a Certificate

Take the scheduling test for teams to see what you know and how you can improve. When you pass the test, you’ll receive a certificate.

What Comes Next

Take Patient Information Essentials for Teams, pass the test, and earn the certificate. When you earn both the Scheduling and Patient Information certificates, you’ll be awarded the Dentrix Front Office Specialist certificate.

For more information about becoming a Dentrix specialist, visit

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