Generating a Continuing Care List

Topic Progress:

Using the Continuing Care module, you can generate a list of patients that need continuing care. However, there are many different types of continuing care, intervals for care, statuses, etc. With Dentrix, you can filter and generate the precise list that you need. Then, you can use it to schedule appointments for your patients.

Watch this video to learn how to generate a continuing care list. (Duration 3:06)

Additional Tips

  • If the list you generate has only a few patients (or is empty), your settings may be filtering more than you need to filter. Edit the continuing care view and adjust your settings.
  • In the Views menu, you can also select a range, like today, next week or month, or next 6 months, and then under the File menu select Date Setup to pick the starting date.
  • A Due Date Range uses specific calendar dates, such as August 1 to August 31. However, a Due Date Span is more flexible, as it displays a range of dates that are “relative” to another date. For example, you can set up a Due Date Span to display the next 30 days relative to today (or a date that you select).
  • Sort Order sets which criteria are shown first, second, and so forth, by ordering the list of filtered patients. Adjust the sort order by using your keyboard’s Page Up and Page Down keys.
  • To learn more about generating a continuing care list, read Accessing the Continuing Care List and Adding Continuing Care Views in Dentrix Help.

Check Your Knowledge

If you have access to Dentrix, check your knowledge with this exercise.

  1. Switch to the Dentrix demo database.
    (Skip this step if you are using the Dentrix Learning Edition software.)
  2. Use the following information to generate a continuing care list:
    • Name: DDS1Pano
    • Type: Panorex, Only with CC
    • Due Date Span: From All to 1 Month
    • Provider: DDS1