Opening the Perio Chart

Topic Progress:

The Dentrix Perio Chart is an easy-to-use chairside periodontal tool where you can record your patients’ perio measurements. To get started, open the Perio Chart from within a patient’s Patient Chart.

Watch the following video to learn how to open the Perio Chart. (Duration 0:26)

Additional Tips

  • For your convenience, you can view exam data numerically in the Perio Chart’s Data Chart and simultaneously view a graphic representation of the same data in the patient’s Graphic Chart.
  • You can generate a list of patients who have saved perio exams from Office Manager > Reports > Lists > Perio Exam List.
  • To learn more about opening the perio chart, read Opening the Perio Chart in Dentrix Help.

Check Your Knowledge

If you have access to Dentrix, check your knowledge with this exercise.

  1. Switch to the Dentrix demo database.
    (Skip this step if you are using the Dentrix Learning Edition software.)
  2. In the Patient Chart, select a patient and open the Perio Chart.