Managing Patient Alerts

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You’ll sometimes have patients who are routinely late, qualify for discounts, have large overdue balances, etc. Dentrix can alert you to these patients and their situations when you create patient alerts. Alerts can be assigned to individual patients, selected family members, or entire families. You can set them to only appear in areas of Dentrix where they are relevant.

Watch this video to learn how to manage patient alerts. (Duration 1:55)

Additional Tips

  • You can create a patient alert from any Dentrix module except the Office Manager.
  • To create a patient alert, a valid date range, description, note, and at least one “area” must be entered and/or selected in the Create Patient Alert dialog box.
  • Once a patient alert has been attached to a patient, a pop-up alert message appears when you access the preselected areas of Dentrix for that patient.
  • When a pop-up message appears, you can select Do Not Show This Alert Again Today to prevent it from appearing for the rest of the day; however, make sure that everyone who needs to see the note has seen it that day (or is aware of it) before you dismiss it.
  • If more than one staff member creates patient alerts, they should add their initials to the end of the notes, so others will know who to contact if they have questions about the alerts.
  • For patient alerts that you use most often, you can create alert note templates from the Office Manager, by clicking Maintenance > Practice Setup > Definitions and then add or edit Alert Notes.
  • If you want to include expired patient alerts in the Patient Alerts list, select Include Expired Alerts.
  • If you don’t want to view patient alerts on a particular workstation, on that workstation, go to the Office Manager and click Maintenance > Practice Setup > Preferences and select Suspend Patient Alerts. Patient alerts will be suspended from displaying only on that workstation until the suspension is removed.
  • To learn more about managing patient alerts, read Creating Patient Alerts in Dentrix Help.

Check Your Knowledge

If you have access to Dentrix, check your knowledge with this exercise.

  1. Switch to the Dentrix demo database.
    (Skip this step if you are using the Dentrix Learning Edition software.)
  2. Use the following information to create a patient alert for Paul Olsen, who has a severe allergy to latex:
    • End Date: Always
    • Options: Show Symbol on Appointment
    • Description: Severe Latex Allergy
    • Note:
      • Alert Notes Template: LATEX ALLERGY
      • Note Text: Paul has a severe allergy to latex. Take appropriate precautions!
    • Display: Select all appropriate areas where you want the alert to display.