Setting a Provider Vacation Day

Topic Progress:

Dentrix makes it easy to schedule vacation days for providers on an individual basis. When you schedule a vacation day for a provider, Dentrix does not count those hours as being open for the provider, which helps to keep an accurate record of unfilled provider hours and hourly production rates.

Watch this video to learn how to set a provider vacation day. (Duration 0:35)

Additional Tips

  • If you attempt to schedule an appointment on a vacation date, a warning message appears.
  • If appointments are already scheduled on the vacation date, there will be no warning that you’ll need to reschedule the provider’s appointments. Therefore, you will need to reschedule them after you set the provider’s vacation day.
  • When a provider has a vacation day, the Appointment Book provider column (if displayed) is grayed out.
  • To learn more about setting a provider vacation day, read Scheduling Vacation Days in Dentrix Help.

Check Your Knowledge

If you have access to Dentrix, check your knowledge with this exercise.

  1. Switch to the Dentrix demo database.
    (Skip this step if you are using the Dentrix Learning Edition software.)
  2. Use the following information to set a provider vacation day:
    • Provider: DDS2
    • Vacation Date: Set the Friday before next Memorial Day as a vacation day