Creating Tax and Discount Types

Topic Progress:

Does your office offer military discounts or is it required to apply sales tax to cosmetic procedures? If so, Dentrix can do the math for you by calculating the correct discount or sales tax. After creating tax and discount types, you can apply these to individual patients or family accounts.

Watch the following video to learn how to create tax and discount types. (Duration 0:50)

Additional Tips

  • When setting up a tax type, check the ADA’s current dental terminology to determine what code they recommend using to apply and track taxes. Create the tax type using that code.
  • For an account balance to be decreased, assign discounts to a credit adjustment type.
  • To edit a tax or discount type, select it the in the Tax/Discount Options Setup window and click Edit. Make your changes and click OK. To delete a type, select it and click Delete.
  • To learn more about creating tax and discount types, read Creating Tax and Discount Types in Dentrix Help.

Check Your Knowledge

If you have access to Dentrix, check your knowledge with this exercise.

  1. Switch to the Dentrix demo database. If you can’t remember how, watch this video.
    (Skip this step if you are using the Dentrix Learning Edition software.)
  2. Open the Ledger and select patient Carl Winters.
  3. Use the following information to create a discount for members of the clergy:
    • Description: Clergy Discount
    • Percentage: 10%
    • Round to the nearest dollar
    • Adjustment Type: -Credit Adjustment
    • Fee Schedule: Use Procedure Amount
