Charting Essentials for Managers

When patients come to your dental practice, your team is required to document which procedures are completed and make notes about any conditions the doctors notice or treatment they diagnose. To support your team, you need to set up the Dentrix Patient Chart to match your team’s workflow and oversee prescriptions and lab cases.

In this course, you will learn how to perform essential Dentrix charting management tasks like setting up multi-codes, clinical note templates, and lab case options and viewing prescriptions.

We recommend you also complete Charting Essentials for Teams so you can help your team members learn their Dentrix charting responsibilities.

Take a Test and Earn a Certificate

Take the charting test for managers to see what you know and how you can improve. When you pass the test, you’ll receive a certificate.

What Comes Next

Take Treatment Planning Essentials for Managers, pass the test, and earn the certificate. When you earn both the Charting and Treatment Planning certificates, you’ll be awarded the Dentrix Clinical Management Specialist certificate.

For more information about becoming a Dentrix specialist, visit

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