Applying Tax to a Procedure

Topic Progress:

Does your practice supplement its profits by selling electric toothbrushes, teeth whitening kits, and other dental products? If so, your state might require sales taxes to be applied to such items. Dentrix can help you apply taxes to these products (set up as procedures) after they’ve been posted to the Ledger.

Watch the following video to learn how to apply tax to a procedure. (Duration 0:49)

Additional Tips

  • Before you can apply a tax, you must first set up a “tax type” from the Ledger. To learn how, review the Mastery Tracks topic Creating Tax and Discount Types.
  • Some offices choose to create a new provider ID using the name of the practice and then apply taxes to that provider so that tax collection dollars don’t artificially inflate the production numbers of your providers. For example, create a new provider ID called “CORP,” enter your dental practice name as the provider’s last name, and select Non-Person.
  • After you apply a tax, you can edit it like any other transaction. To do so, double-click it, make your changes, and click OK.
  • To learn more about applying a tax to a procedure, read Posting Taxes and Discounts in Dentrix Help.

Check Your Knowledge

If you have access to Dentrix, check your knowledge with this exercise.

  1. Switch to the Dentrix demo database.
    (Skip this step if you are using the Dentrix Learning Edition software.)
  2. Open the Ledger and select patient Carl Winters.
  3. Post complete the procedure code X11259 (External Bleaching-Office-Arch).
  4. Select the procedure in the Ledger and apply the Sales Tax option.